Wednesday 29 May 2013

Really Creative Celebrity Portraits

When it comes to celebrities posing for the camera, it is mostly about glamour. Rarely do we come across a photographer who looks beyond the glam and does something unusually wacky. Martin Schoeller is a New York based photographer whose style is distinguished by similar treatment of all subjects whether they are celebrities or unknown. Early in his career he worked as an assistant to Annie Leibowitz and a few years later he was one of three contracted photographers for The New Yorker magazine, a position he still holds today. He also shoots for other publications such as The Rolling Stone, Vogue and Vanity Fair as well as for major ad campaigns for brands ranging from CNN to Mercedes Benz. 

From the look of some of his editorial work, Martin transforms the humble celebrity portrait into something of the scale of a full-blown film shoot, employing casts of extras, elaborate set designs, costumes, props and even animals into the mix. The end result is an image rich in detail, story, colour and personality.

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